Free Socialists Now!
The first trial of the arrested Boğaziçi University students whose number have reached to 14 and who have been deprived of their freedom for two months will be held tomorrow (6th of June), in Çağlayan Courthouse at 10.30 am. In the trial, 22 students will face trial, 14 of them arrested, 8 of them released. While three Marxist Thought Club (MFT- Youth organisation of SEP) members Sevde Öztürk, Uzay Tulay, Noyan Öztürk have been jailed pending trial, three MFT member have been released pending trial.
The socialist students whom Erdogan referred as “We will not give the right to education to them” have been deprived of their freedom for more than two months. The Boğaziçi University students who will appear before judge have been kept in Bakırköy and Silivri prisons with the claim of “making terror propaganda”.
What is clear that socialists are arrested because of Erdoğan dictatorship. In all universities fascist organisations or Islamists are supported by the governement against socialists. Now, there are thousands of jailed student activist in Turkey including socialist, leftist and Kurdish activists. Erdoğan’s oppressive regime tries to keep silent socialists we will not back down from defending the oppressed, laborers, the poor and interests of the working class.
SEP call for solidarity for the jailed socialists!