“Stop Conspiracies: Nisman's Death Demands to Open Secret Archives and Dismantle the Intelligence Secretary"

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Hours before his speech in Congress, prosecutor Nisman was killed

“Stop conspiracies: Nisman’s death demands to open secret archives and dismantle the Intelligence Secretary”

TPR’s rally in front of the Congress – Monday 19/1 – 15:30 hs

Open secret archives. Intelligence Secretary dismantle.

Approval of the APEMIA’s Bill right now!

Juan Marino, leading member of Tendencia Piquetera Revolucionaria (TPR), stated: “as it’s public, the prosecutor Nisman has died. It’s body was founded this morning by his mother in his department in Le Parc tower in Puerto Madero. The cadaver was over a pool of blood and near a gun. Viviana Fein is the prosecutor in charge of the case. The TPR rejects Nisman’s assassination as its aim is to cover and lock the strive for truth and justice about AMIA’s massacre. To the usual maneuvers of the investigation by Nisman and Stiusso, now this mafia style murder is added. Nisman’s death shows us that the interests at stake behind this case are decided to do everything in order to preserve its impunity”. 

Asked about the reasons to think that it was murder, Marino answered: “We denounce assassination without doubt because, nevertheless more conclusions will be drew from the police jobs in the following hours, is clear that Nisman was decided to talk and stated to the newspapers several times that ‘his life was at risk’ and that he was had ‘death threats’. Other important fact is that Fein herself declared that ‘no letter was founded and everything was in perfect order’. Therefore, we say: stop conspiracies! Nisman’s death demands to open secret archives and dismantle Intelligence Secretary. Approval of the APEMIA’s Bill right now! With that orientation, we will develop a rally in front of the Congress today at 15:30hs”.

Marino added, regarding the situation before Nisman’s death: “we are facing the break of the agreement Nisman-Kirchner which founded the supposed iranian clue. We reject the claims of destitution and outrage of government officials stated by right-wing opposition, because there have pro-imperialist orientation and are aligned with intelligence services operations. If it was voted in the Congress, we would abstain, because rejection to outrage and political judgment that kirchnerism would achieve with its own majority would be in defense of its pro-imperialist and dirty orientation in AMIA’s case”.

In this line, TPR’s leader assure that “government used Richard Noble’s statements, who was Interpol chief when the memorandum was signed, to contradict Nisman. Noble was one the high leaders of the secret services in USA. To speak against argentinian secret agents chief Stiusso, Cristina and Timerman use US Stiussos’ declarations. In this regard, they vindicate the red alerts based on the iranian clue builded by Stiusso, the CIA and the Mossad. Thus, new Intelligence Secretary chiefs Parrilli and Mena, have not opened secret archives related to AMIA case, going on with darkness and impunity on the case”.

Finally, Juan Marino explained: “TPR’s rally in the Congress will be an opportunity to listen the voice of left demanding justice for AMIA massacre and rejecting this secret agents war that after prosecutor Nisman murder is in a new and upper stage. The Frente de Izquierda (Left Front) has to ask for question Parrilli in Congress; it has to support APEMIA’s Bill claiming the secrets archives to be opened, and has to present a Bill for the dismantle of Intelligence Secretary”.

Juan Marino

 TPR’s Press Secretary

[email protected] // tpr-internet.blogspot.com
source: http://tpr-internet.blogspot.com.ar/2015/01/stop-conspiracies-nismans-death-demand.html