Don't They Worry: We will keep teaching the youth! – Güneş Gümüş

A wiping out operation took place yesterday and it was directed towards leftist, socialist and peace lover academicians with the help of the latest KHK (state of emergency decree). The Tayyip regime’s pressure and blockade in universities has doubtlessly climbed over the September 12 regime of Kenan Evren with the help of the purges that have been put in process since the July 15. It has become clear to everyone that the ones who came to the power by playing the victim and exploiting emotions are actually wolves in sheep clothing.
Everyone is aware of the fact that the          purges in universities are political accounts and the misdoings are way away from being rightful. This mindset tries to pluck up by the root the memorial trees like the ILEF(Ankara University Communication Faculty) and DTCF(Ankara University Language and History- Geography Faculty) and it wants to straitjacket the whole Turkey.
The despots who are afraid of the books, art, literature, opinions and educated people have an account to settle with universities. This is a longstanding account. It is a mixture of feelings of envy, fear and hatred since 1968 towards their enemies who are more qualified than they are… They see the universities as places in which leftist individuals are raised, especially the good universities. This is exactly the reason of their aggression, opportunism and treachery. The order comes from the top and the unskilled yes-man rectors who will be the black sheep do, as they are command.
Marksist Bakış published an article of Emre Güntekin about Rafsancani who died recently. Rafsancani who was one of the most important people in Iran regime was once poor as church mice. After the revolution, he became the richest person in Iran with his incalculable wealth. Of course, the sources of this wealth were all sorts of plunders and corruption. However, there is one thing that attracts attention: Rafsancani was in the forefront of the despot people in the bloody Mullah regime.
It sounds similar, right? The greedy Islamists who browbeat the opposes with a bat want to be new bourgeois. That is why they steal. They are two-faced, spineless and merciless. Their hearts is not hurt at all while they kick the families of the slaughtered miners in Soma. Yet, they fake the crying very nicely. When they try to hide their filth with the holy cover of Islam, the disgusting smell of them becomes unbearable.
To sum up, it is planned to establish a despotic order. It must be expected from them to be more and more aggressive as long as they unqualifiedly push the country into inescapable problems. I am sure that straightjacket would not fit to Turkey. However, it will not be easy! You must pay a price to get the freedom. There is no nation with stronger democratic achievement that did not pay the price of it. In Turkey the path of journalists, enlightened people and academicians passes through dungeons. No one shall be hopeless. If we continue our struggle and our solidarity become higher, and raise the organized movement, the thieves and the despots will be crushed under their own order. In addition, the enlightened future will be ours. Everyone shall know that we will continue to teach and organize the youth to the struggle of labor class against the exploitation.